There are a number of ways to give to our Annual CRCC Fundraising Campaign. The “donate” button will allow you to make a donation via credit card or automatic withdrawal from your bank account.
Donation Options

Make a One-time Donation
Donate to CRCC and help us transform the world, one person at a time.
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Make a Monthly Donation
Show your support by making a regular commitment to our work.
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Give in Memoriam
Honour a deceased family member, friend or colleague by making a gift in their name.
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Give for a Celebration
Is someone in your life celebrating a birthday, graduation, wedding or anniversary? Or, do you want to express your appreciation to a friend or colleague? Make a contribution to Copper Ridge in their name. Check the “Dedicate my Donation” option below the donation amount and print the page to give it to the person you are celebrating.
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Leave a Legacy/Other Options
You can help future generations experience the life-enhancing programs available at CRCC. Most of us think about donating to Copper Ridge Conference Centre (CRCC) as a simple cash transaction. But there are other strategic ways to think about giving that allow you to save on taxes and make a much bigger contribution than you thought possible.
- Donating stocks or bonds
- Gifting your RRSP or RRIF
- Including the Institute for Research Communication and Development (IRCD) in your Will
For more information on these options, please consult your financial advisor.