We are in the midst of our CRCC Fundraising Campaign, “Secure the Future”, to build a sound and stable financial future for CRCC. It includes:
- Further phases of development such as a shrine for Our Blessed Mother and a Residence Building for those working at the Centre
- Hospitality training and mentoring for trainees
- Reducing the building debt
- Expanding and promoting youth programs
Our current goal of $3M will allow us to carry out our mission of positively transforming society by facilitating personal growth and spiritual development, creating new perspectives in living daily life and developing leaders capable of inspiring and serving others.
“Make Room at the Ridge”
Thanks to your incredible generosity we have secured donors for all 27 ensuite bedrooms and five bedrooms in the Administration wing of CRCC. As part of the “Secure the Future” fundraising initiative, “Make Room at the Ridge” focused on securing dedicated gifts for the bedrooms at CRCC. These gifts could be made in honor or memory of loved ones, creating a lasting legacy. For example, in March, a couple selected “Mount Sedgewick” in memory of their parents, whom they lovingly described as their “fountains of love.”
Dedications from this campaign will be commemorated in a special “Donor Recognition Edition” of the CRCC photo book, proudly displayed in the centre’s front room.